
178 Art Reviews w/ Response

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What’s her backstory?

yugen99works responds:

Vampirella was an inhabitant of the planet Drakulon, a world where a vampiric race lived on blood and where blood flowed in rivers. Drakulon orbits twin suns that were causing droughts across the planet, marking certain doom for Vampirella and her race. The race of which Vampirella was born , umutun göt deliği the Vampiri, were able to transform themselves into bats at will, possessed superhuman physical attributes, sprout wings when required to fly, and drink blood. Soon the inhabitants of Drakulon started dying slowly due to the drying up of its blood. During those desperate times, a spaceship from Earth crashed on the planet. Vampirella, following her curious nature, went to investigate and was attacked. Retaliating, she discovered that the astronauts have blood in their veins. In order for her race to survive, she managed to pilot the ship back to Earth where her adventures began

Are those vans shoes she’s wearing

clordtc responds:

bit puffy for vans I thiiiink

Rosalina is the hottest Mario girl ever

Aster-Effect responds:

Her and Princess Peach for me too.

Mine is Princess peach for the 1#. 😁

Do you believe in aliens chorilate?

Chorilate responds:

Though I love that kind of stuff, I don't really believe in aliens, i mean, there may be some sort of alien life, inteligent or not, but I don't believe in the whole "alien lore"(greys, anunakis, reptilians and the like)

Scary bunny

Chorilate responds:

Cute bunny*

She looks so depressed

carmine3 responds:


Anime girls are so cute

Aster-Effect responds:

Thank you very much. 😁

I love her cute pointy legs

Dorudoru responds:


how'd you like metroid dread?

ishiexe responds:

Very fun movement and combat, great boss fights, very replayable, some items were especially tricky to get. Possibly my favorite 2D Metroid. I'm just a bigger fan of Prime so I wish it was more moody.

she had the coolest look ever, wonder who the villian in prime 4 is going to be, if it ever comes out

ishiexe responds:

I believe it's going to be Sylux from Metroid Prime Hunters, it's been built up in Corruption and Federation Force. Wonder if he'll be powered up by Phazon somehow, he's cool but he might end up being a pawn to the real big villain. We'll see what happens.

Age 30, Male

Joined on 7/1/17

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