
51 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Why is tahu in the description?

Broly responds:


I hope we get half life 3 someday

Juiceboi-PRO responds:

making it in my basement rn

The thumbnail is based on ico right

JordanMLacroix responds:

Yes! Probably gonna be the most artsy looking thumbnail I have planned. All of the thumbnails are gonna be a reference to different video game box arts.

This guy must really hate his job

DuncanHatchArt responds:

Haha, I was working a bit of a dead end job when I started the film. I'm fortunate enough to freelance animate full time these days though.

I guess he’s a real life milk man!

BoyPorcelain responds:

who says thats milk

the voices are spot on

Cockadoodledee responds:

The marge is from a tiktok user called slowpuke. It's absolutely amazing

wht don't you use/like twitter renassancekid

renaissancekid responds:

I just dont use it too much really. I dont really like nor do I hate it. I post videos and other stuff on there and I kind of leave aftwerwards. If I feel super adventurous, ill see whats trending and then Ill get bored. Admitingly because of the Musk thing I use it like 3% more out of the 97% of the time I dont use it.

What’s the story of darkstalkers, if it has one

MichaFrario responds:

Warriors try to become the ruler of the demonworld or search what they lost in their previous life/past.
Some are demon hunters, who hunt down monsters to rid them of the world. 1st story has a fire alien taking over the world, second story has a shinegami trying to reboot the world by collecting everyone's souls

Isn’t sleep paralysis where you wake up and you can’t move and some demon stands over your body and looks at you right in the face In the most menacing manner

MagicalVindigo responds:

Yes, but there aren't always demons or voices. In my case, I just can't move for a couple of sec and that's what I wanted to show with this small anim.

I’m curious what tools/resources did you use to make this?

MikeCarf responds:

We did everything in flash, backgrounds and all!

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